Blade & Sorcery VR – U12 już dostępny!
Twórcy gry, KospY i zespół Warpfrog, wydali właśnie najnowszy update, oznaczony jako U12 – The Mod Manager Update, który wprowadza kilka nowych elementów, w tym pływanie i możliwość łamania przedmiotów.
Jednym z największych usprawnień jest wgranie menedżera modów, który umożliwia graczom instalację i usuwanie modyfikacji bez użycia komputera. Wszystkie moda dostępne są w jednym miejscu, dzięki czemu jest to bardzo wygodne rozwiązanie. Menedżer modów posiada szereg przydatnych funkcji, w tym automatyczne pobieranie zależności, aktualizacje modów i filtrowanie według popularności i tagów. Warto zauważyć, że moda nie trzeba instalować ręcznie, dzięki czemu korzystanie z niego jest szybkie i łatwe.
Kolejnym nowym elementem jest fizyczne pływanie, które pozwala na eksplorację wody w Blade & Sorcery. Gracze mogą korzystać z dwóch metod: za pomocą ruchu ramion, które odzwierciedlają ruchy gracza w rzeczywistości, lub za pomocą joysticka, co może być wygodniejsze dla niektórych graczy. Pływanie to na razie zabawa i element symulacji, ale może mieć zastosowanie w przyszłych aktualizacjach.
Ostatnim nowym elementem jest łamanie przedmiotów. W zależności od rodzaju przedmiotu, używanie siły może spowodować jego uszkodzenie lub całkowite zniszczenie. To dodaje nową dynamikę do walki i umożliwia bardziej realistyczne zachowanie przedmiotów.
Czytelnicy portalu VR, jesteście podekscytowani tymi nowymi elementami? Czy zainstalujecie moda menedżera, aby łatwiej korzystać z modyfikacji?
W linku poniżej znajdziecie szczegóły aktualizacji.
Changelog U12
U12 - Full Changelog
- Physics-based swimming (with Tutorial)
- Added water drag area on some items
- Added Breakable items
- Overhaul of Shield enemies
- Dynamic music system for Dungeons
- Custom-made music tracks for each arena
- Brand new Menu with Mod Settings Support
- New dungeon outpost rooms, including underwater sections and new interactive elements
- In-game mod manager (based on
- New moddable area system (used for dungeon generation)
- Armour modding support
- Trap doors
- Added a shortcut for the player log in the F5 menu
- Added text for what is being loaded during Game Loaded
- Added keyboard system which modders can use
- Added AMD FSR 1.0 upscaling (PC)
- New cheat - Free climb, enable to climb on any surface
- New cheat - Easier dismemberment
- Spell wheel now supports more than 10 spells without overlapping
- Mod manifests now have icon support
Enhancement / Changes
- Updated to Unity 2021.3.17f
- Added side rooms and doors in some dungeon outpost rooms
- Updated models for a lot of props (crates, barrels etc)
- Dungeon areas with Ocean no longer instantly kill player when you fall in to them, added climbable areas to return to the area.
- Added ocean to Chapel river.
- Updated some arenas with updated models for minor props (like flags)
- Adjusted what props spawn in Arenas
- Tweaked dungeon outpost layout and misc changes about some rooms
- Shield enemies in general should be more competent, and will opt for a more turtling and riposte fighting style than their non-shield counterparts.
- New player menu
- Improve text quality on all the UI (updated texts to TextMeshPro)
- The rock used for tutorial's wall jump section will break after some time, allowing for a quick and easy climb instead.
- Adjusted colliders of arrows to have better piercing.
- Some props in Arenas and Dungeon now spawn via a loot table.
- Removed Exterior Doorways (the one which only was in 2 rooms).
- Improved memory usage by unloading despawned weapons and armour
- Improved memory usage by optimizing shader loading (expect a 2-3GB memory reduction without mods)
- Improved level loading times
- Added EventTime fields to Creature events in the EventManager
- Added new options: Screenshot Resolution, Render Quality (PC) , and Upscale Filter (PC)
- Added new sandbox options: Breakables, and Free Climb
- Colour gamut is now fixed on Nomad - No more red tinge
- 'Head' is no longer an option when creating a new character
- Added screenshot message
- Pressing grip will now cancel a spell charging (doing a fist to punch should be easier)
- Screenshot file name now contain level name and dungeon room name if any
- ColliderGroupData now allows you to filter which spells can imbue a collider group
- Fixed underwater effect not working with spectator camera
- Fixed underwater caustics being too bright and staying on screen
- Fixed Ruins terrain having no physics collider
- Fixed several localization and language bugs
- Removed "Reload JSON" from the Menu.
- Removed unused props used on the exterior of Market
- Fixed very rare issue where Dungeon runs would end early and not have an "End" room.
- Dungeon rooms with Sunlight cannot spawn next to eachother, to prevent light darkening on room enter
- Dungeon rooms with Ocean cannot spawn next to eachother, to prevent Ocean leaking in to other rooms
- Fixed Wooden pierceables not making sound when stabbing with
- Improve brain pooling performance
- Fixed Rugged Trousers and Worn Sandals missing reveal/blood
- Fixed wrong reveal normal mapping on Mercenary Armour
- Fixed wrong reveal normal mapping on the Claymore
- Fixed refresh rate not updating correctly when changed while in-game
- Fixed memory leak with reveal
- Fixed physics bodies falling asleep too quickly when pushed slowly
- Fixed spell wheel locking in place when opening then crouching or jumping
- Fixed memory allocations from creature navigation every frame.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs would stretch when sliced on specific parts
- Fixed memory leak with the mirror in home
- Fixed rare issue where imbue emission would not light up
- Fixed issue where the player menu randomly switched the opened sub-menu from the user clicking on another button
- Fixed light color of Fireball Impact being a wrong tint.
- Fixed NPCs not defending themselves from one of the easter egg weapons
- Workaround for the "grab bug" issue where sometimes pressing grab will cause you to jump to the last thing you had grabbed.
SDK (Coming soon)
- Added Breakable script
- Added Tooltips for a lot of components
- Added "Spawnpoint" to each item. This now adjusts the location/rotation of the object when spawned.
- Reworked ItemSpawner
- Removed ContainerSpawner (merged in to ItemSpawner)
- Armor modding support
- Dungeon/Area modding support
- New "ReflectionSorcery" component for Fake views.
- Added new Physics Material "Ceramic".